Mini Golf at the Library
February 15 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
$5 – $20
The Friends of Musser Public Library are setting up for a “hole” lot of after-hours fun at the library on Saturday, Feb. 15.
“Book” time for a Friendly Round of Mini-Golf between the library’s collections! Come see how stacks of books and other objects can be arranged into a nine-hole course! Test your hand-eye coordination, and watch for hole sponsorships and fun trivia and jokes along the way. There will also be a drawing for prizes.
Sign up in advance by coming to the Musser Public Library service desk. Cash or check accepted. Friends get $10 off admission, whether for an individual or family. When you sign up for the event, you may also become a Friends of Musser Public Library member. Membership confers the benefit of participating in all of the group’s events (such as our book sales) and gives a discount to ones that charge admission (like this one).
If your business would like to sponsor a hole (which includes an 11×17-inch ad), please get in touch with Kathy Kuhl at (563) 263-3065 x114 or at friendsofmusser@gmail.com.